Customizing a Web for Real Estate
How to make a cool website for Real Estate?
Astro SSG is the Answer.
Competitors / Ideas :
- All are performing slooow at up to ~1 second initial for a simple http request!
Demo with Cloudflare Pages
Lets do this.
But in a way that the client will love it!
Which is deployed with CF Pages: <>
Powered by Astro 😍 ScrewFast and some ideas from Nebulix Shop
Ready to Demo, with Free Cloudflare Pages 📌
npm install
npm run dev
- It also has starlight for the docs!
npm run build
- Output –»
npm install -g serve #serve with npm
#serve -s dist
serve -s .vercel/output/static #http://localhost:3000
#cd dist #serve with python
cd .vercel/output/static
python3 -m http.server 8000
npx wrangler pages project create
- Project name: moises
- Images are at
- Images are at
Now pushing the generated content to Cloudflare:
#npx wrangler pages project list #check existing projects
npx wrangler pages deploy .vercel/output/static #dist
- Demo deployed with Cloudflare Pages:
Thanks to Astro & mearashadowfax
Just as we did here, but this time, with a private repo.
Normally, Astro pages push the build files to ./dist
, but this theme does it differently to ./vercel/...
When you hit deploy, the process will start: build environment -> clone git repo -> build web files/
Astro will take a little bit longer than HUGO to build.
After it’s deployed, you can just hit Add custom domain
, in this case for
, we will choose:
A CName record will be added automatically:
You can also add the
if you hit again Set up a custom domain
After Verification is completed, your Web deployment Workflow is Ready with Cloudflare Pages and Workers plus a private Github Repository.
Real Estate Web - Results
You can have a look to the crafted Website:
And it seems that Google likes it:
Extra Functionality
- Newsletters and contact form added with MailerLite
- GDPR Compliant out of the box
More Embedded ChatBots for your website… 🚀
Real Estate Bot Agent
But, if you really want something to perform with your data…
…make it yourself.
- Features it should be able to reply:
- Follow up questions from the real state agent etc
- Do you have family / car / pool
From Idea to Impact, with AI
AI Driven Website Migration
Do you have tons of images in and old website?
Maybe a Wordpress, Ghost or Wix?
Not a problem. You can quickly use AI to create a migration script.
In the end, Astro (and other SSGs) are all about markdown files and images.
Checks Before Web Delivery
How to Use LinkChecker… 🚀
Links can be checked with LinkChecker.
- Use LinkChecker with the GHCR Container Image
# docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --verbose https://
podman run --rm -it --verbose > linkchecker_psyc.txt
Resulting at:
That's it. 53 links in 53 URLs checked. 5 warnings found. 0 errors found.
Stopped checking at 2024-10-19 07:34:09+000 (12 seconds)
Alternatively, linkchecker can do its job during the build with Github Actions.
Create a WF with 3 jobs: build, test (Linkcheck here, informative), deploy. Like this one with HUGO.