
OpenL Tablets 101

How to get started with OpenL Tablets

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September 3, 2024

Setup RPi Pico W and ESP32

What Ive learnt while using a ESP32 and a Raspberry Pi Pico W [Microcontrollers]

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September 2, 2024

Networking - Wifi to Ethernet Bridge

Tinkering with a Raspberry Pi and Networking.

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August 23, 2024

How to use Structured Outputs in LLMs

How to use the Structured Output Feature with OpenAI

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August 21, 2024

LLMs Function Calling

Testing function calling with OpenAI Models

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August 18, 2024

How to Develop AI Projects inside a Docker Container

Developing like a PRO (via SSH or into a container)

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August 12, 2024

Cloud vs Pi's: What Should I get?

Comparing SBCs performance with the Cloud - Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Mini PC, Cloud…?

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August 10, 2024

Using DJI Tello Drone with Python

Learning drone programming with Python and a DJI Tello drone.

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July 30, 2024

A Camera for the Raspberry Pi

SimpleCV and OpenCV + Scrypted & HA…but first, lets make the camera work

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July 19, 2024

Chat with different models with Streamlit

ChatGPT Clone with Streamlit

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June 20, 2024

Chat with LLama3 with Streamlit (and Ollama)

Streamlit Chat with Ollama

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June 17, 2024

How to create a ChatGPT Clone with Streamlit

ChatGPT Clone with Streamlit

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June 2, 2024

Summarize Youtube Videos with Groq and Streamlit

Groq Video Summaries with LLMs

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May 27, 2024

Pixel8 Pro - Tricks

Pixel8 Pro Tricks

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April 27, 2024

How to use LangChain to chat with your PDFs

A Streamlit RAG to Chat with PDFs

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March 7, 2024

ASTRO - SSG: Components & How to use Them

Tutorial - Making ASTRO Website better.

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January 27, 2024

Trip Planner with Weather: a F/OSS App for Bikepacking

Python App as (Historical and Forecasted) Weather Guide

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October 27, 2023

What a Double Pendulum can teach about Chaos Theory

Python Streamlit Double Pendulum

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September 3, 2023

Improving Python Trip Planner with Weather Forecasts: Open Meteo API

Weather forecasting in Python with Open-Meteo API. How to use the Python API and including it on the Python Trip Planner App

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June 30, 2023

R Shiny Apps with Docker: X86 and ARM32/64

ShinyApps with docker for multi-architecture

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June 24, 2023

Improving Python DASH UI's: Python Trip Planner with Weather

Creating synergy in Python Dash App - Modifying DASH & Plotly Graphs default colors.

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June 24, 2023

[Guide] Kickstart Your Career in Data Analytics

How to start a (Self-taught) career in data analytics. The skills you need and tips on your first steps.

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June 4, 2023

Self-hosting Python DASH Apps: Cloudflare Tunnels

Python DASH Apps with Docker and Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnels.

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April 15, 2023

Trip Planner - Discovering Weather Data Patterns with Python

Making informed decisions about the best time to travel to a location based on historical weather data and this Python DASH app.

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April 1, 2023

Discovering Meteostat: Historical Weather API in Python

Meteostat Python Weather API - Discover how to integrate Historical Weather Data into your Python Apps.

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March 19, 2023

DASH Apps with Docker and Google Cloud Run

Deploying DASH apps for free using Docker and Google Cloud run.

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March 12, 2023

Analyzing your Sport Performance with Python and Polar data

Using Polar Data together with Python to see your improvement in performance.

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February 26, 2023

R Stocks: Interactive Stock Analysis with R Shiny

R Stocks - R Shiny Interactive Dashboard that displays free available financial information.

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November 27, 2022

R Shiny Apps in a Docker Container

Building Shiny Docker Containers - It works in my computer (and in yours too!)

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November 27, 2022

Getting started with PySpark

How to use PySpark

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October 17, 2022

Financial data in R - Fundamentals - QuanDL

QuanDL - Using R together with QuanDL to fetch financial data.

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September 18, 2022

Financial data in R - Dividend and Splits - QuantMod

QuantMod - Using R together with QuantMod to fetch financial data.

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September 14, 2022

Financial data in R - FOREX and Inflation - PriceR

PriceR - Fetch Financial Data with R and PriceR package.

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August 14, 2022

Financial data in R - Stocks Price - yfR

yfR - Using R together with yfR to fetch financial data.

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August 7, 2022

Web3 Simplified - Why and How to Get your Web3

Building your first Web3 from scratch.

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December 19, 2021

Effective Meetings in Analytics

How to run effective meetings in Analytics.

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December 10, 2021

How to deploy your Shiny app publically to ShinyApps

Deploying a R Shiny Dashboard to

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November 3, 2021

How to add an image to a gist

How to use gist as free image hosting

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October 15, 2021

How to create and deploy Flexdashboard with R

Step-by-step guide to using Flexdashboards on GitHub Pages. Perfect for data enthusiasts seeking dynamic visual storytelling.

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October 6, 2021

Time Management in Data Analytics

Time Management Techniques for Data Analytics

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September 25, 2021

Raspberry Pi First Steps on Github Pages

A quick guide to Raspberry Pi

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August 25, 2021

A/B Testing: Revolutionize Your Optimization Strategy

What it is A/B Testing. Results in Python

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November 27, 2020

ROC Curves 101: How Good is your ML Classifier?

Unlock the Power of ROC Curves to Optimize Your Machine Learning Classification Models

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November 26, 2020

Machine Learning for Data Analytics

The starting point for anyone interested in learning AI/ML from the basics.

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November 25, 2020

101 Concepts for a Data Analytics Journey

Must know data concepts and techniques for your career in Analytics.

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November 5, 2020

Generating Webs with R - Knit Package

Using the Knit package in R to build websites.

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September 25, 2020

Getting Started with Python

The must know in Python to get started with your projects.

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August 30, 2020

How to get Started with SQL

SQL starting guide that will make your road to Data Analytics easier.

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July 17, 2020