R Shiny Apps with Docker: X86 and ARM32/64

R Shiny Apps with Docker: X86 and ARM32/64

June 24, 2023

Some months ago I was sharing with you my Shiny App R Stocks

Building R Shiny Apps Docker Image


X86 Images

The Dockerfile that we need to build the image of a basic Shiny App for X86 is:

FROM r-base:3.4.2

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libpq-dev \
build-essential \
libcurl4-gnutls-dev \
libxml2-dev \

# Install R packages
RUN R -e "install.packages(c('yaml', 'dplyr', 'dtplyr', 'shiny', 'shinythemes', 'shinyWidgets', 'readxl', 'scales', 'tidyverse', 'DT', 'ggthemes', 'ggplot2', 'plotly', 'plyr', 'leaflet', 'devtools', 'yfR', 'priceR', 'quantmod', 'Quandl', 'qmao', 'lubridate', 'reshape2', 'rstudioapi', 'bslib'))"

RUN R -e "install_version("reshape",version=)"

This took me longer to run than this one that starts from the following image:

ARM32 - R Shiny

I am using the

ARM64 - R Shiny

Recently I got an Orange Pi and I am using it to self-host some of my favourite services, as well of my personal projects.

The Docker setup to make Shiny works on armv8 has been way more challenging than the x86, particularly to make the yfR package work properly.