What I've learnt about Websites

What I've learnt about Websites

You can create cool static websites with these frameworks, and also with Remix

Important Files for all Webs 📌

Look always for the <head> - It will guide you to a Base.astro, BaseLayout.astro, head.html

In there you can do interesting things, like adding web analytics.

About favicons 📌
as in the withastro/starlight Theme or Pacamara
How to get OGImage right 📌

What Ive Learnt about Astro

RaspAP with Mullvad 📌

checking dependencies

npm list @astrojs/starlight
npm install @astrojs/starlight
npm install @astrojs/starlight --legacy-peer-deps #if you have some dep issues
Better SEO for Astro 📌
import { AstroSeo } from '@astrolib/seo';

as in the Minimal Studio Theme by michael-andreuzza

WebSearch in Astro 📌

as in the withastro/starlight Theme

one of the most complete Astro themes ive seen - also supporting several languages

Optimized images in Astro 📌

You will need astrojs/mdx installed first and use it within .mdx files:

import { Image } from 'astro:assets'

import photopost1b from '../../assets/image.jpg';

  <Image src={photopost1b} width={500} height={200} alt="Exploring Astro Images" />
  <figcaption class="caption">Say hi to Astro</figcaption>

Tweaking HUGO Themes

If you are using HUGO, embedd your images with this shortcode

How to Include Search 📌
PageFind with AstroVisVRS/AstroVerse Example
FuseJS with AstroAstroEngineeringBlog Example
FuseJS with HUGOAstroEngineeringBlog Example
GhostCompose Overview
Themes I love for Galleries 📌
GhostCompose Overview

Ghost Themes: Handlebars, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON. WordPress Themes: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress-specific template tags, and hooks.


You need markdown for these SSGs - https://github.com/Cveinnt/LetsMarkdown.com

docker run --rm -dp 3030:3030 cveinnt/LetsMarkdown.com
Free SSG Deployment 📌
  • With Firebase
firebase init #configure files for firebase hosting / public directory is normall public for HUGO and dist for Astro/nodes
firebase deploy #you will get something like -> https://jalcocertech.web.app/

Is my website performing well?

CDN and Videos for your Website

Interesting Search Engines

It’s worth to try few of them - not all the content is indexed in the same way across engines

Thanks to Ecosia I could find how to add Web Analytics to the Jekyll Chirpy Theme!