Creating a Photo Centered Web
For this client, I had to make something special.
She’s a traveler, Photo Adict, content creator and Artist.
Thanks to NicoKaiser and CaveLab for the content:
Other Themes I love for Galleries 📌
Description | Link |
PHP | NovaGallery |
Ghost | Compose Overview |
- Ghost Themes: Handlebars, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON.
- WordPress Themes: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress-specific template tags, and hooks.
HUGO Photo Gallery
We are going to use HUGO as SSG, together with the great Hugo-Theme-Gallery
Testing the Theme
How to create a Photo Gallery with Hugo 📌
git clone
cd ./hugo-theme-gallery/exampleSite
hugo server
And the theme requires at least hugo 0.121.2, and Im having hugo v0.117.0-....
You can see that requirements at the theme.toml
So time for an upgrade for go and HUGO:
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.23.2.linux-arm64.tar.gz
nano ~/.bashrc
#write this in the end of the file
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
source ~/.bashrc
go version #Go is updated!
And now, HUGO:
#CGO_ENABLED=1 go install -tags extended #The latest
sudo dpkg -i hugo_*.deb
hugo version #HUGO is ready and >=0.121.2!
As per the sampleSite readme, we need to do:
hugo mod get # Install Hugo module
./ #Pull example images from Unsplash
And just enjoy:
#hugo server
#hugo server --bind="" --baseURL=""
hugo server --bind="" --baseURL="" --port=1319
And you will have the amazing HUGO sample theme at
A container for HUGO - Dockerfile/Compose 📌
#docker-compose up --build
docker build -t hugo_gallery .
You need both dockerfile
and docker-compose.yml
# Use the official Golang image which is based on Debian Bullseye
FROM golang:1.23.2-bullseye
# Set working directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Install Hugo
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y wget && \
wget && \
dpkg -i hugo_0.121.2_linux-arm64.deb && \
rm hugo_0.121.2_linux-arm64.deb && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Clone the Hugo theme repository
RUN git clone /hugo-theme-gallery
# Set the working directory to the exampleSite within the cloned theme
WORKDIR /hugo-theme-gallery/exampleSite
# Expose port 1319 for Hugo server
# Start Hugo server
CMD ["hugo", "server", "--bind=", "--baseURL=", "--port=1319"]
#hugo server --bind="" --baseURL="" --port=1319
#hugo server --bind="" --baseURL="" --port=1319
#docker build -t hugo_gallery .
#docker run -d -p 1319:1319 --name hugo_gallery_instance --restart unless-stopped hugo_gallery tail -f /dev/null
#docker exec -it hugo_gallery_instance /bin/bash
#go version
#hugo version
version: '3.8'
image: hugo_gallery # Ensure this matches the image name you have built
container_name: hugo_gallery_instance
- "1319:1319"
restart: unless-stopped
command: tail -f /dev/null
# version: '3.8'
# services:
# hugo:
# build: .
# ports:
# - "1319:1319"
# # volumes:
# # - ./hugo-theme-gallery/exampleSite:/usr/src/app
# environment:
# #docker build -t hugo_gallery .
# #docker-compose up --build
Tweaking HUGO Theme Gallery
Tweaking Hugo Theme Gallery 📌
- The content for the main page is it
- Every folder has photos and a
- In those files you can choose the featured_image and..
- If you want to add some description to the imgs…
- src: alexander-london-mJaD10XeD7w-unsplash.jpg
title: Brown tabby cat on white stairs by Alexander London
- It supports several langauges with i18n, the file is
- It also support image zoom and download (in full quality)
- Thanks to PhotoSwipe and a lightbox gallery
- OpenGraph/OG picture seems to workout of the box - So your photo will be there when sharing to WhatsApp…
After I was happy with the changes, I moved the content of the sampleSite, to the main project folder:
rsync -av ./exampleSite/ .
hugo server --bind="" --baseURL="" --port=1319
After editing, I copied the files to my PC, to use Gitlab+Cloudflare.
scp -r username@ .
./hugo server --bind="" --baseURL="" --port=1319
Deploying HUGO with Google Firebase 📌
Using Firebase Free Tier Hosting
firebase login
firebase init
firebase deploy
And to have the my domain linked…
Went to firebase UI -> Compilation -> hosting.
Add a custom domain.
Select my subdomain, and added a CName + TXT record to the DNS.
For that domain, Im using cloudflare - so made sure that its DNS only and not proxied records
Hugo and Photo Gallery - Steps
Now that we are clear that we want to move forward with this HUGO theme.
We need to provide clear structure for the user to modify the content later on:
Go + HUGO + HugoThemeGallery 📌
We need Go + HUGO extended version:
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.23.2.linux-arm64.tar.gz
nano ~/.bashrc
#write this in the end of the file
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
source ~/.bashrc
#go version #Go is updated!
sudo dpkg -i hugo_extended_0.121.2_linux-arm64.deb
#hugo version
hugo new site agutekportfolio
cd ./agutekportfolio
git init
git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-gallery-ssg
#cd ~/dirty_repositories/my-hugo-site/themes/hugo-theme-gallery-ssg
#rm -rf .git
#cd themes/hugo-theme-gallery-ssg/exampleSite/ #test the sample site one more time
# Install Hugo module
#hugo mod get
## TRY THE exampleSite THEME!
# Pull example images from Unsplash
#hugo server --bind="" --baseURL="" --port=1319
If the sample works, we can download the photos from GDrive like so:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv -y
python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install gdown
gdown --folder #gdriveFolder with link read permissions
They will be downloaded on its folder, in this case Agutek
and provide a
, like:
description: My Memories from Azores
featured_image: janis-ringli-UC1pzyJFyvs-unsplash.jpg
keywords: [Animals, Photos, Cats, Dogs]
title: Animals
weight: 1
menus: "main"
# list pages require at least one image to be displayed.
Which needs to be placed into content
When you are done adapting it. Copy the content:
cp -r themes/hugo-theme-gallery-ssg/exampleSite/* . #copy the sample one to the main folder
Just need to do now:
- Edit the go.mod file from the main HUGO project folder from:
go 1.20
require v4.0.0 // indirect
replace => ../
go 1.20
require v4.0.0 // indirect
And then:
hugo mod get # Install Hugo module
Finally, enjoy:
#hugo server
hugo server --bind="" --baseURL="" --port=1319
And you will have the amazing HUGO sample theme at
See that everything builds with
cd ./public
python3 -m http.server 8081
Deploying HUGO with Gitlab + Cloudflare - Git Setup 📌
So we have our git init command done. But havent used it so much.
Lets create and push this project to a Github Repository
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit of Hugo project"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master #and this will push it!
For the OG to work, dont forget to update the URL at hugo/toml
-> baseURL.
You can choose the OG Image in this theme at ./content/
- featured_image.
curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" #Hugo theme gallery sitemap OK
Place the robots.txt
file to /static
as well:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /private/
And now you have robots.txt and sitemap.xml ready:
curl -s #it has robots, but without sitemap, we can add it
curl -s | grep -i sitemap #look for sitemap direction
curl -s #it has robots, but without sitemap, we can add it
#curl -s | head -n 10 #see the first 10 lines
#curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n"
And now use CLoudflare Pages (with the private Github repo) to deploy the Hugo Theme:
The result?
A Theme that it is not only cool, but eco friendly:
But…they are using an incompatible HUGO 0.118, so…I went with the manual Cloudflare CLI Pages way.
Probably sth to have a look with the wrangler.toml
to see if the version can be specified. TBD.
#sudo npm install -g wrangler
npx wrangler pages project create #this will install wrangler CLI the first time + Ask you to authenticate via Web Link
#wrangler init
hugo #---> ./public
npx wrangler pages deploy public #<BUILD_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> and this time is HUGO!
#Use **Wrangler** to obtain a list of all available projects for Direct Upload:
#npx wrangler pages project list #this are the ones you uploaded already
#npx wrangler pages deployment list
Whats next for this customer?
My customer is also really into interior design.
And there are very cool Astro Themes waiting for her:
New Web Workflow
These days I have improved my Web creation/edition Workflow.
Im now using Github+Cloudflare and Gitlab+Cloudflare for deployments.
Time to say bye to my old friend Firebase!
At least for now.
And to make the dev workflow smoother when Im switching devices…
- I develop via SSH with VSCode with the Opi5 as server
- All repos gets synced thanks to this script to the Opi5
Testing Astro with Gitlab at Opi 📌
git clone
cd ./cyclingthere/pacamara
With a regular SSH, I can just use nano to develop
time npm install #~30s
#npm audit fix --force
npm run dev
npm run build
But its possible to use VSCode with SSH and see all the dev environment files