[Review] Firebat AK2 PLUS

[Review] Firebat AK2 PLUS

September 30, 2024


A very interesting Small Factor PC with

  • Intel N100 (4 cores, 4 threads) 8GB@2600mhz 256GB (M.2 2280 SSD)
  • Dimensions: 13x13x4,5cm = 0,76L
  • Cost: ~75$
It comes with W11 pre-installed, but I could not resist to try Linux with it

I went with Zorin OS, a Linux focused on simplicity.

But just kept Windows 11 as dual boot, with chocolatey ready

Firebat MiniPc Overview

Value for money, great accesibility to add an additional 2.5" drive!

Unlike the Orange Pi 5, it does not bring us USB-c connectivity
  • As you can see, the RAM is not soldered:

Firebat MiniPc RAM

  • For convenience, you can mount the additional 2,5 drive outside and then mount it again with just 3 screws:

Firebat MiniPc Extra HD

All screws are provided as well!

How does Firebat MiniPC compares to other MiniPC’s and SBC’s?

Lets find out!

Firebat AK2 Benchmarks

Running some synthetic tests on the Firebat MiniPC and comparing it with SBC’s and more:

DeviceSysbench (4 threads)Tot (4 threads) 7 zip
Raspberry Pi 4 2GB~1.7k events1622/6311
Raspberry Pi 4 4GB~28k events1442/5508
Orange Pi 5~38k events2.7k/11.8k
Raspberry Pi 5 8GB-2.7k/10k
AMD 2200g~26.9k events~4.2k/15.34k events
FireBat AK2 Plus~35k events~1.8k/6.4k events
sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --num-threads=4 run #4 cores
7z b -mmt4

Firebat results go down to 22k events if power saving mode is enabled in Linux

And now the real benchmarks:

git clone https://github.com/JAlcocerT/Py_Trip_Planner/
cd Py_Trip_Planner

sudo bash -c 'time docker pull python:3.8' #let's remove the time of downloading the Python base image from the equation, it was ~1 min!

#docker build -t pytripplanner .
sudo bash -c 'time docker build --no-cache -t pytripplanner .'
#sudo bash -c 'time podman build -t pytripplanner .'
apt install cargo
#cargo install --git https://github.com/astral-sh/rye rye
time cargo install --git https://github.com/astral-sh/rye rye
DeviceDocker Build Trip PlannerBuild Astral
Raspberry Pi 4 2GB~3672s10min 7s
Raspberry Pi 4 4GB~3480s-
Orange Pi 5~1777s5min 20s
BMAX B4 N95~45s-
Firebat AK2 Plus N100~47s2min 45s
AMD 5600G--
RPi 5 8GB-4min 30s
Hetzner-6min 15s

N95 (From BMax B4) was 5% faster when building the Docker Image

Energy costs ~0.25Eur/Kwh

Firebat - Computing vs Volume

DeviceCPUVolumeDocker Build (s*L)CPU Benchmark (4 threads) (events/L)Tot (4 threads) 7 zip (events/L)
Raspberry Pi 4 2GBBroadcom BCM2711 Quad-core (4x ARM Cortex-A72)0.082L301.8242073219878
Raspberry Pi 4 4GBBroadcom BCM2711 Quad-core (4x ARM Cortex-A72)0.082L285.363414617627
BMAX B4 (16 GB)Intel N95 (x4 cores Alder-Lake)0.608L27.36442256890.79
FireBat AK2 Plus (8 GB)Intel N100 (x4 cores Alder-Lake)0.76L35.7246052.632368.42
Orange Pi 5 (8 GB)Rockchip RK3588S (4x Cortex-A76 + 4x Cortex-A55)0.112L198.624339285.7124107.14
  • For docker builds, it seems that the ARM architecture lags compared to x86 (lower is better)
During docker builds with ARM, I observed that only 1 core is used, leading to longer time.
  • The OrangePi5 is a great rival when having into consideration the performance and volume!

FireBat - Computing vs Price

DeviceCPUPriceDocker Build (s/Price)CPU Benchmark (4 threads) (events/Price)Tot (4 threads) 7 zip (events/Price)
Raspberry Pi 4 2GBBroadcom BCM2711 Quad-core (4x ARM Cortex-A72)$3512852048.5746.34
Raspberry Pi 4 4GBBroadcom BCM2711 Quad-core (4x ARM Cortex-A72)$55191400509.0926.49
BMAX B4 (16 GB)Intel N95 (x4 cores Alder-Lake)$1506750179.3328.00
FireBat AK2 Plus (8 GB)Intel N100 (x4 cores Alder-Lake)$753525466.6724.00
Orange Pi 5 (8 GB)Rockchip RK3588S (4x Cortex-A76 + 4x Cortex-A55)$150266550253.3318.00
  • The Firebat is the most competitive of my list in building docker images versus price (lower is better)
  • The Pi’s 4 win the Sysbench and 7zip versus price due to their lower price ratio

Cool Stuff with FireBat MiniPC

Some ideas that you can do with your MiniPC:

  1. Setup a Home Cloud
  2. Use the MiniPC as media server
  3. Use it to plan your trips as per weather conditions

I have collected many container’s configurations here

Using a MiniPC as Home Cloud

This is the architecture:

graph LR
    A[Android Phone] -- Sends --> B[Lenovo i3]
    B -- Sends & Receives <--> C[Firebat Server]
    C -- Sends & Receives <--> D[Desktop]
    E[Small Lenovo Laptop] -- Sends & Receives <--> C
  • Devices:
    • Router:
    • FireBat:
    • Lenovo i3:
ssh casa@
  • Ports that will be used:
    • 9000 for portainer
    • 8080 for filebrowser - Lenovo i3 will have the filebrowser UI at
    • 8384 for syncthing UI - FireBat syncthing is configured at
  • To setup HTTPs you can use DuckDNS with NGINX

DuckDNS Firebat

Setup the Server for SelfHosting 📌
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openssh-server
#systemctl status ssh

sudo ufw allow ssh

#ssh username@<local_minipc_server_ip>

With ifconfig you can see the local ip address and also the tailscale one

You can use Tailscale DNS to make it easier to remember who is who:

Reset Portainer Password 📌

There was some installation on other PC and we had to restart it…

sudo docker stop portainer
sudo docker rm portainer

sudo docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 --name=portainer --restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data \
-e "ADMIN_PASSWORD=<your_hashed_password>" portainer/portainer-ce
[Optional] Update DNS 📌
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

Add the following if you want to use quad9 DNS: nameserver nameserver

nslookup google.com #see that now you are using quad9 DNS
Inspects the Disks 📌

Connect with ssh as:

ssh casa@ #ssh casa@100.... with tailscale VPN IP
df -h #its /dev/sda1 and its already mounted at /media/casa/Datos_Copia_2

Yes, the user is casa

Exploring FireBat Disks

Mount the external HD consistently 📌
mount | grep sda1 #show nothing at first
sudo file -s /dev/sda1
sudo blkid /dev/sda1
sudo nano /etc/fstab
UUID=your-disk-u-u-id  /media/casa/Datos_copia_2  ext4  defaults  0  2
sudo mount -a
df -h #ahora todo ok

#sudo du -ah / | sort -rh | head -n 30
The external HD needs to be mounted at: /media/casa/Datos_copia_2 so that all Media services will work
Configure FileBrowser with Syncthing 📌
version: "2.1"
    image: syncthing/syncthing #ghcr.io/linuxserver/syncthing
    container_name: syncthing
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Rome
      - /home/Docker/Syncthing/config:/config
      - /media/casa/Datos_Copia_2/Datos_Servidor:/data1 #same as filebrowser
      - 8384:8384 
      - 22000:22000/tcp
      - 22000:22000/udp
      - 21027:21027/udp
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: filebrowser/filebrowser
    container_name: filebrowser
      - 8080:80
      - /home/Docker/FileBrowser/data:/config
      - /media/casa/Datos_Copia_2/Datos_Servidor:/srv #same as Syncthing!
    restart: unless-stopped    

Access the FileBrowser admin UI with: admin/admin at port 8384

Home Cloud with NextCloud 📌

You could also try NextCloud:

FireBat NextCloud

version: '2'


    image: linuxserver/mariadb #:10.11.8
    restart: always
    container_name: nextclouddb #https://hub.docker.com/_/mariadb/tags 
      - /home/Docker/nextcloud/db:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpass
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=ncpass
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
      - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
#    networks: ["nginx_nginx_network"] #optional 

    image: nextcloud #latest #right now im using :30.0.0
    container_name: nextcloud #https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud/
    restart: always
      - 8080:80
      - db
      - /home/Docker/nextcloud/html:/var/www/html #This is where the data will be stored (under ./data/yourselecteduser/files)
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=ncpass
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
      - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
      - MYSQL_HOST=db
      - NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS= #https://nc.yoursubdom.duckdns.org/ #http://opi5.abcdef.ts.net:8080
#    networks: ["nginx_nginx_network"] #optional 
# networks: #optional
#   nginx_nginx_network: #optional
#     external: true #optional

Make sure to add your private ip of the server to be able to access it in trusted domains:

  • You can use NC as WebDav like so: dav://opi5.abcdef..ts.net:8080/remote.php/dav/files/YOUR_USERNAME/

And if you havent done it in a while, make some clean up:

docker builder prune
#docker system prune -a
docker volume prune
docker image prune -a
Remember the 3-2-1 backup rule
More about 3-2-1 Back-Ups 📌

The 3-2-1 backup rule is a widely recommended strategy for ensuring data safety and recovery in case of failure or disaster.

The rule suggests that you should:

  • Keep 3 copies of your data: This includes the original data and two backups. Having multiple copies helps prevent total data loss.

  • Store the backups on 2 different media types: This could include external hard drives, cloud storage, or USB drives. Using different media types reduces the risk of failure, as different storage media are less likely to fail at the same time.

  • Keep 1 copy offsite: One of the backup copies should be stored offsite (e.g., cloud storage or a remote location) to protect against local disasters such as fires, floods, or theft.

By following the 3-2-1 rule, you significantly minimize the risk of losing important data.

FireBat MiniPC as Media Server

You can also install regular apps in your server, like Brave browser:

flatpak install flathub com.brave.Browser

Explore more apps:

FireBat Conclusions

The Firebat is a very compact MiniPC, which brings enough power for a home server.

It allows for decent quality Video reproduction, upgradable RAM and allows for 2.5 drive (great for an extra 2TB HDD).

I would say that at the price I got it, its awsome value for money.


  1. Enter the FireBat AK2 Plus MiniPC bios by pressing ESC.
  2. Dont forget to keep your server updated frequently!
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Gaming on the Firebat with Linux 📌
  • Firebat has this GPU:
lspci | grep -i vga   #GPU info
#00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 46d1
  • Get Steam running
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-glx libpulse0
sudo apt install steam

# sudo apt install flatpak
# flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
# flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

And then…go to Steam Settings -> Compatibility -> Enable Steam Play

…You can also Try emulators within Linux

How to fix a USB Drive in Windows 📌
list disk
select disk 1
create partition primary
Interesting Apps, for W11 and Linux 📌

A list of applications and tools, organized into categories

Virtualization and Remote Access

  • Tailscale
  • RustDesk
flatpak install flathub com.rustdesk.RustDesk
  • Oracle Virtual Box
  • VMware (Freemium)

VPN Services

  • Proton VPN
  • NordVPN
  • Windscribe (Freemium)

Development and Programming Tools

  • RStudio
  • Matlab
  • Octave
  • Python Anaconda Spider
  • OpenScad (FOSS)
  • Ansys (Mechanics)
  • MicroCap (Electronics)
  • CODESYS (Control Systems)

Password Managers and Security Tools

  • Bitwarden (Password Manager)
  • Authy (2FA)
  • ESET Online Scanner
  • AdwCleaner

Cloud Storage and Synchronization

  • Mega
  • Syncthing
  • OneDrive
  • Google Drive
  • ODrive
  • Nextcloud

Media and Entertainment

  • Spotify
  • VLC
  • Daemons Tools

Browsers and Online Tools

  • Mozilla
  • Brave
  • Chrome

Office and Productivity Software

  • WPS Office
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF Reader)
  • Microsoft OneNote
  • Thunderbird
  • Photoscape
  • Nero
  • FrameFun (Photo Frames)

Android Emulation

  • Nox (Android Emulator)

System Monitoring and Optimization

  • OpenHardwareMonitor (System Temperature)
  • HWMonitor (System Temperature)
  • CPU-Z (System Information)
  • MSI Afterburner
  • GPU-Z
  • Ryzen Master

Communication and Collaboration

  • Discord
  • Raindrop

Graphic Design and 3D Modeling

  • FreeCAD
  • Ultimaker Cura
  • Inkscape
  • Photoshop


  • Proton (Miscellaneous)
  • F.lux (Night Light Reduction)
  • qBittorrent
  • Dreamweaver (Web Pages)
  • HP Deskjet 1510 Series (Printer Software)


Virtualization Software

  • Oracle VM Virtual Box
  • VMware
  • vboxlinuxadditions.run

Development Tools

  • RStudio
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Octave
  • Python

Package Managers and Software Centers

Gaming Platforms

  • Steam
  • Epic Games

Linux Distributions and Desktop Enhancements

  • Ubuntu - Gnome Extensions
    • AppFolders Management Extension
    • OpenWeather
    • Gnome Tweaks Tool
  • Lubuntu
    • Cairo Dock
  • Elementary
    • Minimize Button
    • Show Desktop
    • Gnome Tweaks

System Tools and Utilities

  • Authy
  • Psensor
  • GtkStressTesting
Tips to Setup HTTPs across your services with Cloudflare & NGINX | DNS Challenge 📌
  • Point your DNS to your server:

Cloudflare DNS for NGINX Example

I like to have the internal IP and other for the device tailscale VPN IP

  • You will need to add the: container_name and the container port

FireBat NGINX Example

  • In the SSL tab, you will need to Add a DNS Challenge, for Cloudflare would be:

FireBat NGINX Example

  • With Cloudflare, you will need their API Token from here
    • Go to Edit zone DNS. Zone Resources -> Include all zones (or a specific domain only) and create it. Add it as dns_cloudflare_api_token=
  • In NginX UI, you will add the: container name and port of the services
Similar Small Factor PCs to consider 📌
  • Used ones:

    • Dell 3050 SFF Core i5 6th gen 16GB ~120$
    • Lenovo M75q Tiny Ryzen 3200GE 8GB ~115$
    • Lenovo M720q Tiny i3 8 gen. 8GB ~100$
    • Make sure that these have HDMI
  • New mini pcs: similar to the BMAX B4

    • Intel N95 16+512G GK3 PLUS ~115$

FireBat Trip Planner Setup

How about using this Trip Planner Project?

Setup Trip Planner 📌

Setup with docker compose, container image is created with GH Actions CI/CD.

version: "2"
    image: ghcr.io/jalcocert/py_trip_planner #https://github.com/JAlcocerT/Py_Trip_Planner/pkgs/container/py_trip_planner
    container_name: tripplanner
      - 8051:8050
    restart: unless-stopped

How to Benchmark the Firebat MiniPC

Testing CPU Performance - SysBench, TripPlanner, build Astral-sh,…

Check CPU cores and test with sysbench:

#cat /proc/cpuinfo
#uname -a
sudo apt install sysbench -y
sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --num-threads=4 run
  • Benchmark with 7zip:
sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
7z b -mmt
7z b -mmt4
7z b

and with 7zr:

7zr b -mmt1
git clone https://github.com/JAlcocerT/Py_Trip_Planner/
cd Py_Trip_Planner

sudo bash -c 'time docker pull python:3.8' #let's remove the time of downloading the Python base image from the equation, it was ~1 min!

#docker build -t pytripplanner .
sudo bash -c 'time docker build --no-cache -t pytripplanner .'
#sudo bash -c 'time podman build -t pytripplanner .'
  • Astral-sh Python Dependency Manager:
apt install cargo
#cargo install --git https://github.com/astral-sh/rye rye
time cargo install --git https://github.com/astral-sh/rye rye
  • Just simple stress test:
sudo apt-get install stress-ng

sudo stress --cpu  8 --timeout 120
Testing Internet Connectivity
ip addr show
hostname -I

#sudo apt-get install net-tools

ping -c 4 #gateway
ping #quad9
sudo apt-get install dnsutils -y #dns resolution
nslookup github.com 
dig google.com
sudo apt-get install speedtest-cli
speedtest-cli #speedtest-cli --simple
curl -sS https://ipinfo.io/json #the command to use
curl -sS http://ip-api.com/json/ #provides info about country, ISP, ...
curl -6 ifconfig.me #ipv6 info 

How to use a RPi - Without a RPi

A raspberry Pi inside a container - https://github.com/ptrsr/pi-ci

A Raspberry Pi emulator in a Docker image that lets developers easily prepare and flash RPi configurations.

How I Created the diagrams

  • Using MermaidJS with mermaid.live as per this guide

ThrowBack on Hardware

its crazy to see how much PCs have evolved in few decades.

These are the ones I could try so far 📌

Here’s the provided information summarized and organized in a Markdown format, categorizing the details about each PC and laptop by its specifications and timeline:

Desktop PCs

1. Primer PC Casa

  • Date Purchased: November 2001
  • CPU: Intel Celeron Coppermine 958 MHz
  • Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4x(p), Chipset VIA VT82C694x Apollo Pro B3A
  • RAM: 256 MB PC133 SDRAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia Riva TNT2 M64 32 MB
  • Monitor: Nec Multisync 75F 17"
  • Sound Card: Creative SB PCI 128 (Ensoniq ES5880)
  • Optical Drive: LG CD-ROM CRD-8521B (52x)
  • Updated in 2007 to: AMD Athlon64 3600x2, 2x1GB GSkill DDR2 667mhz, later ATI hd5670 1gb

2. Mi Primer PC

  • Date Purchased: November 2005
  • Update: October 2009
  • CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (90nm)
  • Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-K8NF9
  • RAM: 2x512 MB Kingston DDR 400 MHz
  • Graphics: Nvidia 6200 TurboCache
  • Monitor: LG1717s,
  • Updated to: AMD Athlon 5600x2,gigabyte ga-ma770-ds3, 2x1GB DDR2 667mhz, NVIDIA Gigabyte 8600GT, gigabyte ga-ma770-ds3

3. Mi Segundo PC

  • Date Purchased: May 2014
  • CPU: AMD Athlon ‘x4’ 750k (28nm)
  • Motherboard: gigabyte F2A55M-DS2 FM2 A55 micro atx
  • RAM: 2x1 GB Kingston DDR2 667 MHz
  • Graphics: Nvidia Gigabyte 8600 GT
  • Storage: Adata SU800 512 GB - OS


1. Portatil Corporation

  • CPU: Intel i5 8250U x4 (14nm)
  • RAM: 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
  • Storage: 512 GB HDD
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 5500

2. Lenovo Ideapad 100

  • Date Purchased: July 2016
  • CPU: Intel i3 5005U x2 (14 nm)
  • RAM: 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
  • Storage: HD 250 GB

3. Dell Inspiron Mini 1018

  • Date Purchased: 2012
  • CPU: Intel Atom N455 1.67 GHz
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Storage: 320 GB HDD

4. Portatil Peq Lenovo Blanco

  • Date Purchased: September 2019
  • CPU: Celeron N3060
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Storage: 500 GB HDD

Portatil US - HP ProBook 5420s

  • CPU: Intel Celeron x2 P4500 (32nm)
  • RAM: 3 GB DDR3

Custom Build in Aerocool CS105BK Case

    • Dimensions: 187 x 361 x 355 mm
    • GPU Clearance: Up to 320 mm
    • CPU Cooler Clearance: Up to 148 mm
  • Motherboard: Gigabyte B450M S2H (BIOS F41)
  • CPU: Ryzen 2200G
  • RAM: 8 GB x 1 3200 MHz G Skill, later 2x8GB
  • Storage:
    • SSD: Crucial MX500 500 GB
    • HDD: WD 1 TB - Data
  • Power Supply: Thermaltake Litepower II Black 450W
  • Monitor: LG Flatron W1946