[AI] LangChain Explained - Providing context to LLMs
As commented earlier this year, I was inspired by Alejandro AO and its Python AI projects.
I commented the PDF one here →
But today, it is the time for CSV’s and with Databases!
You guessed it.
We will be using LangChain as RAG framework to provide the CSV context to the LLM.
LangChain is an alternative to PandasAI.
Chat with CSV with LangChain
You will need to have:
- Python installed and a virtual environment ready.
- The OpenAI API keys - https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
In a nutshell, these are the python libraries you will need:
#pip install langchain python-dotenv streamlit openai
#but lets install them relialy with the requirements.txt file
Thats why the original Alejandro AO Project has the requirements.txt
file specifying the versions.
Its a great practice to install python dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
#which it is equivalent to this way below
#pip install langchain==0.0.208 python-dotenv==1.0.0 streamlit==1.25.0 openai==0.27.0 transformers==4.28.1 sentence_transformers==2.2.2 torch==2.0.1 tensorflow==2.12.0
I just removed most of them as the original file seemed to have many more than required.
Remember to place your OpenAI API key in the .env
And run the Streamlit App:
streamlit run main.py
A browser will open with: localhost:8501
Understanding CSV with LangChain App
This is the general workflow of the Python app:
graph TD A[Load environment variables with dotenv] --> B{Check if OPENAI_API_KEY is set?} B -- No --> C[Exit program] B -- Yes --> D[Set Streamlit page config and header] D --> E[User uploads CSV file] E --> F{CSV file uploaded?} F -- No --> G[Wait for CSV upload] F -- Yes --> H[Create CSV agent using Langchain and OpenAI] H --> I[User inputs question] I --> J{Is a question provided?} J -- No --> K[Wait for question] J -- Yes --> L[Process the question with agent] L --> M[Display result using Streamlit]
Chat with a DB with LangChain
It’s not that SQL is impossible to learn.
But why not using AI as leverage to help us with D&A tasks?
And it is possible thanks to LangChain with Python and the great work of AlejandroAO
Database Setup
How to Setup MySQL? 📌
The original post from Alejandro allow to elect sqlite or Mysql.
I went with mysql as per:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mysql-server -y
sudo systemctl start mysql
sudo systemctl status mysql
sudo systemctl enable mysql #start at boot
sudo mysql -u root -p
#mysql --version #mysql Ver 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.24.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
Now that MYSQL is installed, we can load the sample DB.
Loading the Sample DB - chinook-database 📌
We can get the Chinook DB as example from their releases on Github
USE chinook;
SOURCE chinook.sql; --or the name of your SQL file to load the database
SOURCE Chinook_MySql.sql; --or the name of your SQL file to load the database
You can see that the DB is loaded and we can see its Schema.
DATA_TYPE AS `Data Type`,
IS_NULLABLE AS `Nullable`,
TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Chinook'
Actually, we can make already a MermaidJS ER diagram to represent it:
erDiagram Album { int AlbumId PK varchar Title int ArtistId FK } Artist { int ArtistId PK varchar Name } Customer { int CustomerId PK varchar FirstName varchar LastName varchar Company varchar Address varchar City varchar State varchar Country varchar PostalCode varchar Phone varchar Fax varchar Email int SupportRepId FK } Employee { int EmployeeId PK varchar LastName varchar FirstName varchar Title int ReportsTo FK datetime BirthDate datetime HireDate varchar Address varchar City varchar State varchar Country varchar PostalCode varchar Phone varchar Fax varchar Email } Genre { int GenreId PK varchar Name } Invoice { int InvoiceId PK int CustomerId FK datetime InvoiceDate varchar BillingAddress varchar BillingCity varchar BillingState varchar BillingCountry varchar BillingPostalCode decimal Total } InvoiceLine { int InvoiceLineId PK int InvoiceId FK int TrackId FK decimal UnitPrice int Quantity } MediaType { int MediaTypeId PK varchar Name } Playlist { int PlaylistId PK varchar Name } PlaylistTrack { int PlaylistId PK int TrackId PK } Track { int TrackId PK varchar Name int AlbumId FK int MediaTypeId FK int GenreId FK varchar Composer int Milliseconds int Bytes decimal UnitPrice } %% Relationships Album ||--o{ Artist : "belongs to" Track ||--o{ Album : "belongs to" Track ||--o{ MediaType : "uses" Track ||--o{ Genre : "categorized as" PlaylistTrack ||--o{ Playlist : "contains" PlaylistTrack ||--o{ Track : "contains" Invoice ||--o{ Customer : "issued to" InvoiceLine ||--o{ Invoice : "part of" InvoiceLine ||--o{ Track : "tracks" Customer ||--o{ Employee : "assisted by" Employee ||--o{ Employee : "reports to"
LangChain Setup to Chat with DB
Make a venv, install the requirements and load the API keys:
python3 -m venv datachat_venv #create the venv Linux
#python -m venv datachat_venv #create the venv W
#datachat_venv\Scripts\activate #activate venv (windows)
source datachat_venv/bin/activate #(linux)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Load your OpenAI API Key 📌
#source .env
#export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-api-key-here"
#set OPENAI_API_KEY=your-api-key-here
Wrapping Up LangChain with DB
I could replicate the working code from AlejandroAO by using:
- The v1.4.5 sample DB version.
- Python 3.12.3 for x86 and venvs
- Im using MySQL 8.0
We can put all of this into containers with this docker-compose
###docker exec -it mysql_db bash
###docker exec -it mysql_db mysql -u myuser -p chinook
More Useful Tools for DBs 📌
ChartDB - Database diagrams editor that allows you to visualize and design your DB with a single query.
Other Tools to Chat over custom data (and locally~) is PrivateGPT
You can also try:
PandasAI which I covered
What it is LangGraph?
Build resilient language agents as graphs - MIT!
LangGraph is a framework designed for building multi-agent systems, particularly when using large language models (LLMs).
It allows you to create complex workflows by defining tasks as nodes in a directed graph, with edges representing the flow of data.
- The system supports dynamic state management, maintaining context and ensuring coherent interactions across different agents.
- Fault tolerance is built in, meaning the system can recover from failures in individual agents.
- LangGraph is flexible and customizable, supporting custom agent logic and communication protocols.
- It is scalable, suitable for enterprise-level applications, and excels in handling complex workflows with a high volume of interactions.
- The framework is particularly useful for applications like chatbots, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems, and self-correcting agents.