How to Setup Gitlab

How to Setup Gitlab

December 27, 2023

You will see a message like you cant pull repositories ussing SSH until you add an SSH key to your profile

Then lets add it:

  1. Go to user setting -> SSH Keys Section

  2. Create a ssh key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" #place something that will make it easy to find
  1. You will see something generated like
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|     .+ooo       |
|     .+.  .      |
and some more rows...
  1. Go to the location folder of .ssh and look for the file generated (copy its content)
  2. Paste it in the Gitlab UI (it will start by ssh-rsa and many more chars will follow)

Now, you can select the Code button in the Gitlab Repository, and open in your IDE (with SSH).

Check how many branches there are

git branch -a #list them all
git branch #and in which one you are

Change to another one with:

git checkout other_branch_name #git checkout tests

Make your changes, commit and push to the specified branch with:

git add <file-name>
git commit -m "Your commit message" #git commit -m "Adding the script that creates testing scenarios from random combinations of the initial provided table"
git push origin other_branch_name #tests

Dont forget to set:

git config --global "Jesus Alcocer Tagua"
git config --global ""

A good readme always helps…

python -m venv openltabletstests_venv 

openltabletstests_venv\Scripts\activate #activate venv (windows)
source openltabletstests_venv/bin/activate #(linux)
pip install -r requirements.txt