Financial data in R - Fundamentals - QuanDL

Financial data in R - Fundamentals - QuanDL

September 18, 2022

The QuanDL Package

What is QuanDl about?

While looking for financial historical data for our projects, we might be interested to gather historical fundamental data for some companies.

QuanDl is a package available in R that will help is with this task.

You can find the source code at:

How to use the QuanDl package

How to install QuanDl in RStudio

You can install QuantMod in R with the following command:

# CRAN (stable)

Using QuanDl in R

Query Historical Stock Information:

You can use QuanDl to query historical stocks information in R the following way:

First log your API key:

# Get your API key from and include it on a 'config.yaml' file
vars = yaml.load_file("config.yml")
quandl_api = vars$config$quandl_api
# Add the key to the Quandl keychain
Your_Ticker <- 'KO'

df_quandl <- Quandl.datatable('SHARADAR/SF1',
                               ticker = Your_Ticker,

Now enhance the dataframe with a plotly graph:

plot_ly(df1_quandl, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
      add_trace(x = ~calendardate, y = ~ros*100, name='ROS') %>%
                    layout(title = '<b>Return on Sales<b>', xaxis = list(title = 'Date'), 
                 yaxis = list(title = 'ROS (%)'), legend = list(title=list(text='<b> Date </b>')))

Project example using QuanDl

I found PriceR really useful and have used it during the creation of this Shiny project: