BI Tools for the AI era

BI Tools for the AI era

February 26, 2025

Business Intelligence and IoT (BIA & IoT)

How about real time data analytics?

Real-Time Analytics with ClickHouse

  • ClickHouse Use Cases
  • Superset: An open-source data exploration and visualization platform that supports ClickHouse as a data source.
  • Metabase: An open-source business intelligence tool with ClickHouse integration.
  • Tableau, Looker, Power BI: Commercial BI tools that may have connectors or integrations with ClickHouse.


Superset works perfectly with Trino SQL!



Redash is an open-source data visualization and dashboarding tool that is commonly used in the field of data analytics and business intelligence.

It helps organizations and individuals query, visualize, and share data from various data sources (35+) to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data.

I have added Redash Compose logic to:

More About Redash
  1. Data Connection: Redash allows users to connect to a wide range of data sources, including relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL), NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB), data warehouses (e.g., Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery), REST APIs, and more. This versatility enables data analysts to work with data from multiple sources in a unified platform.

  2. Querying: Users can create SQL queries and run them within Redash to extract and transform data. The tool provides a user-friendly query builder interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of SQL expertise.

  3. Visualization: Redash offers a variety of visualization options, including charts, graphs, and pivot tables, to help users explore and understand their data. It supports popular charting libraries like Chart.js, Plotly, and more, allowing for customizable and interactive visualizations.

  4. Dashboards: Users can combine multiple visualizations and queries into interactive dashboards. These dashboards can be customized and shared with others, making it easy to communicate insights and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs).

  5. Collaboration: Redash supports collaboration among team members by allowing them to share queries, dashboards, and insights. This promotes knowledge sharing and facilitates data-driven decision-making within organizations.

  6. Scheduled Reports: Redash enables users to schedule and automate the generation of reports and dashboards, which can be sent via email or other channels. This feature is useful for regularly distributing updated data and insights to stakeholders.

  7. Embedding: Redash provides options for embedding visualizations and dashboards into other applications or websites, allowing for seamless integration of data analytics capabilities into existing workflows.

  8. Data Governance: Redash provides role-based access control and data source integration, helping organizations maintain data security and governance standards.

Redash is a versatile data analytics tool that simplifies the process of querying, visualizing, and sharing data from various sources.

You can use this Docker-Compose to SelfHost Redash.

Get Redash running locally with docker-compose

IoT Project example with Redash


For the IoT Fans out there: Grafana, Kibana and Chronogaph

Grafana dashboards and Panels have an asociated JSON file that defines them!
Designing Graphana Panels…with Python? 📌

If you have ever recorded a VBA macro to see the general structure and then tweak it, this is going to be familiar.

When you will find the use case that several similar pannels have to be created: for example for anomaly detection on 100 servers, or 50 different apps you have to monitor…

…you can define the first panel via Grafana UI, see how one panel look and then make Python do the rest for you.

IMPORTANT: you need to keep different panel id and positions across the dashboard

# Main Execution
file_path = "Grafana-Initial.json"  # Replace with your file path

iterate_data = extract_site_info_from_file(file_path)

# if iterate_data:
#     panels = []
#     for site, panel_id, grid_x, grid_y in iterate_data:
#         panel_json = create_elasticsearch_stat_panel_with_filter(site, grid_x, grid_y, panel_id)
#         panels.append(json.dumps(panel_json))

#     output_json = "[" + ",".join(panels) + "]"
#     print(output_json)
# else:
#     print("Failed to extract site information.")

Then, you will take the JSON and carefully add it respecting other dashboard areas you might have (this includes the very end of it, where you have the dashboard uid and so on)

There are many Grafana stacks, like LGTM: Loki, Grafana, Tempo and Prometheus

What can I do with LGTM? 📌

Ever wondered how programmers build software? If builders built houses the way programmers build software, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

In this video, Fireship, a popular YouTube creator, takes us on a journey to instrument, collect, and visualize telemetry data from our server using open telemetry and the LGTM stack.

The LGTM stack consists of five technologies:

  • Open Telemetry: An industry-standard framework that collects telemetry data from software.
  • Grafana: The frontend UI for visualizing data.
  • Prometheus: A time-series database for storing metrics.
  • Tempo: A database for storing traces.
  • Loki: A database for storing logs.

Setting Up the LGTM Stack

To get started:

  1. Server Setup: Fireship recommends using Hostinger, which offers a variety of hosting services, including a Linux virtual private server (VPS) suitable for this project.
  2. Deploying LGTM Backend: The LGTM backend can be deployed using a Docker image provided by Graphon.
  3. Server Access: After setting up your server on Hostinger, you can access the management dashboard and connect via SSH.

Running Grafana

  1. Verify Docker: Use a Docker command to confirm the Docker daemon is running.
  2. Run Docker Image: Pull the Docker image for OTel LGTM from the cloud, which may take a minute.
  3. Access Grafana: Open the browser and navigate to the IP address on port 3000 to log into Grafana as admin.

Connecting to a Data Source

Grafana alone is not useful unless connected to a data source.

Fireship demonstrates how to connect Loki, Prometheus, and Tempo, and then populate them with data using a sample application built with Dino, a framework with built-in telemetry support.

Analyzing Data with Grafana

With the LGTM stack up and running:

  • Use Grafana to explore logs, metrics, and traces.
  • Use Prometheus’ query language to analyze and dive deeper into your data to identify errors and anomalies.


  • The LGTM stack provides a holistic approach to software observability, enabling you to instrument, collect, and visualize telemetry data from your server.
  • With the right tools, you can identify errors and anomalies in your application, allowing for data-driven decisions to improve your software.
  • Security is crucial when deploying a telemetry backend. Services like Hostinger offer built-in protections against harmful traffic and threats.


Lucene Queries in Kibana & Grafana

  • KQL: Kibana Query Language for data filtering.
  • Lucene Queries: Used in Grafana for more complex data analysis and machine learning.
FeatureKQL (Kibana)DSL (Grafana)
PurposeQuery language for KibanaQuery language for Elasticsearch
SyntaxSimple text-basedMore complex and verbose
Use CasesFiltering data in Kibana dashboards, visualizations, and DiscoverQuerying Elasticsearch for data analysis and machine learning


Works together with InfluxDB!

Chronograf allows you to quickly see the data that you have stored in InfluxDB so you can build robust queries and alerts.

It is simple to use and includes templates and libraries to allow you to rapidly build dashboards with real-time visualizations of your data.


Custom BI Tools

For the Devs out there

Python DASH


Streamlit + AI
Dynamic Maps with Streamlit
  • Streamlit + LeafMap: –»

A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment

With a Very Interesting Marker cluster Page and a Page to upload your Vector Data (.geojson) and be able to visualize it.

  • Streamlit + Folium
  • Streamlit Reacting to clicks on a Leaflet Map - Also with Folium

Python Shiny

FlexDashboards with R


Get Metabase running locally with docker-compose

IoT Projec tith Metabase


SelfHost These Tools with Docker

Compare with Apache Superset -

You can use serverless version of it at -

version: '3'
    image: metabase/metabase
    container_name: metabase
      - "3000:3000"
      - metabase-data:/metabase-data
    restart: always


Metabase Embedded Analytics

node.js ruby python…

Static Embedding


Metabase with MariaDB

    image: metabase/metabase
    container_name: metabase
      - "3000:3000"
      - metabase_data:/metabase-data
    restart: always
      - mariadb
      MB_DB_TYPE: mysql
      MB_DB_DBNAME: chinook
      MB_DB_USER: myuser
      MB_DB_PASS: mypassword
      MB_DB_HOST: mariadb-db

    image: mariadb:10.5
    container_name: mariadb-db
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpassword
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=chinook
      - MYSQL_USER=myuser
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=mypassword
      - mariadb_data:/var/lib/mysql
      - "3399:3306"


Apache Superset

Get Superset running locally with docker-compose.

Analytics Tools

Additional Databases and Tools

  • MongoDB
  • Elasticsearch (ES)
  • InfluxDB
  • Graphite
  • OPENFoam

Other F/OSS BI Tools




BI with AI?

MIT | 🪄 Create rich visualizations with AI

  • You can also make Python scripts to write for you tedious and repetitive Grafana dashboards (like x400 pannel creation)