Crafting a Website for Knitting. Blog and more.

Crafting a Website for Knitting. Blog and more.

September 23, 2024

Continue with the free option.

Now you need to go to the SquareSpace UI, select the domain and go to: DNS -> Domain NameServers.

Select Use custom nameservers, we will replace the and so on, with the ones that cloudflare assigns.

There will be 2 records, like:

The CKC website is completed and visible at Cloudflare Pages:

Uptime Ira

Uptime Ira

Change the NameServer to Cloudflare Ones

alt text

alt text

Once updated, we can connect the real domains with the build.

You will need to point a CNAME DNS Record from @ to (They worked proxied and non proxied).

Custom Domain CKC - DNS Records Working

CKC Conclusions

Website Checks before delivery 📌

Once deployed:

npm install
npm run dev
#npm run build
npm install -g http-server
http-server dist #http-server .vercel/output/static

# npm install -g serve #serve the built files with npm
# serve -s dist #http://localhost:3000

As per the general webs checks docs.

  1. Sitemap and Robots:
curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" #200, OK!
curl -s | head -n 10 #see the first 10 lines
  1. Notify Search engines:
#curl ""
curl ""

  2. DNS Config: The site is accesible from the base domain name as well as the www. subdomain

Once connected, the final result: as per repo 💻

Proposed Themes

For this knitting site, I proposed to go with:

  1. Astro Stablo

  2. Astro Foxi

  1. Others

Which its similar to Visvrs (AstroVerse)

  1. The winner: Astro Minimma