Technology Setup for a Trip
Software and Hardware setup before trips or vacations.
Software Setup
For content creation, you can have a look to ubuntu studio with tools like gimp or digikam
You can setup a Matrix Server and then install Element as Chat app
You can call Wireguard the VPN client for PROS and not for “Pacos”.
Quick Tailscale Server Setup for Travelling 📌
curl -fsSL | sh
# sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https &&
# curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - &&
# curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list &&
# sudo apt-get update &&
# sudo apt-get install tailscale &&
sudo tailscale up
tailscale ip -4 #get the ip
#sudo tailscale logout
#sudo tailscale down
Make this device available as exit node:
echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf &&
echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf &&
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf &&
sudo tailscale down
sudo tailscale up --advertise-exit-node
This required a final action on tailscale web UI.
Trip Planner

Quick Trip Planner Deployment 📌
You can install Organic Maps as Android app, but also in Linux:
flatpak install flathub app.organicmaps.desktop #
To record your routes as GPX
OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy.
A open source run tracker
FitoTrack - A privacy oriented fitness tracker for Android
And they can be combined with FitTrackee
AGPL 3.0 | Self-hosted outdoor activity tracker 🚴
Self-hostable travel tracker and trip planner.
If you will be recording at 4K, you will need back up space.
Here it comes Nextcloud as a backup solution, as it has clients for desktop/web/android/ios.
I also like Syncthing but it does not have ios app
Get one of these connected to your SBCs at home and you are ready:
Quick NextCloud Server Container Deployment 📌
NC together with MariaDB Compose
version: '2'
# volumes:
# nextcloud:
# db:
image: linuxserver/mariadb:10.11.8
restart: always
container_name: nextclouddb
- /home/Docker/nextcloud/db:/var/lib/mysql
- MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
- MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
# networks: ["nginx_nginx_network"] #optional
image: nextcloud:30.0.0 #latest
container_name: nextcloud
restart: always
- 8035:80
- nextclouddb
- /home/Docker/nextcloud/html:/var/www/html
- MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
- MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
# networks: ["nginx_nginx_network"] #optional
# networks: #optional
# nginx_nginx_network: #optional
# external: true #optional
Other Image Center Backups
- Lychee
- Piwigo
- Photoview
- Ente, PhotoPrism, Immich…
…you can see them covered at this post
Hardware Setup
Remember that a VPS Setup or some SBCs at home would be good companions.
To bring with you, a compact laptop can also be interesting.
This one is ~1.2kg, a tablet can be ~500g
You can also take a 4G LTE Wingle, like the OLAX:
Action Cam
Some people bring their drons.
But my DJI Tello dron is more a 101 tool to get started with dron flying while doing some Python test on it.
I saw some people mounting action cameras on their drons with some adjustments.
I am very happy with the Android Pixel 8 Pro
Maybe some backup?
You can also get one of these portable 4G usb router (and bring a sim adapter):
Ive been experimenting with the travel router around and…
If you need to login to a hotel network, where credentials (user/pass) are required, this will prompt:
Cost of Living
Sometime ago I got to know this site:
A pure reflection of the knowledge of crowds, applied for cost of living.
At the time of writing, these are separeted by x1.4 without rent
If you are planning a trip and want to make a guess on the costs, its worth to have a look!
Sharing Expenses with Spliit
If you are not aware of Spliit for sharing expenses with others:
MIT | Spliit is a free and open-source alternative to Splitwise, aimed at simplifying expense sharing among friends and family.
Spliit | Travel expenses 📌
It addresses the need for a user-friendly platform to manage shared expenses without the hassle of ads or fees.
Key Features:
- Create and share groups for expense tracking.
- Add detailed expenses with descriptions.
- Display balances within groups.
- Create reimbursement expenses.
- Progressive Web App (PWA) functionality.
- Option to split expenses unevenly.
- Ability to upload images and scan receipts for expenses.
- Future features may include recurring expenses and import from Splitwise.
Technology Stack:
- Next.js for web application framework.
- TailwindCSS for styling.
- Prisma for database access.
- Vercel for hosting.
Local Development:
- Clone the repository and set up a local PostgreSQL server.
- Follow setup instructions to run the application locally or in a Docker container.
Spliit offers a robust solution for managing shared expenses and simplifies the process for users.
Its an fantastic project to have a look to.
In my opinion its just missing the possibility to add different currencies.
The good thing?
You can get a .json
report to analyze later what has been going during the trip.
nb is waiting for you hereWhat about containers?
Containers are great for SelfHosting.
And you can see how simple is to get up and running with docker and Portainer:
No wonder why Container is one of my favourite technologies to use for app reliability!
More Cool Software
Thanks to this sites, I get to know more cool apps:
Which can be seen also as an awsome Astro project!