People out there are really creative. Trackdays and Telemetry

People out there are really creative. Trackdays and Telemetry

February 24, 2025

ELM32 vs ESP32

Trackday and GoPro MetaData

By the end of last year, a friend got the chance to do this:

And it was all recorded with a Go Pro apparently!

So…we can do our GoPro telemetry trick

Which basically tells us a lot about speeds recorded by GoPro GPS on the 3 video parts which were recorded at 4K30:

You can also open it with Google Colab: Open in Google Colab

Max Speed: 41.35 m/s (148.86 km/h) Average Speed: 22.03 m/s (79.30 km/h) Median Speed: 21.62 m/s (77.84 km/h)

Max Speed: 40.74 m/s (146.65 km/h) Average Speed: 22.13 m/s (79.66 km/h) Median Speed: 21.24 m/s (76.46 km/h)

Max Speed: 41.16 m/s (148.18 km/h) Average Speed: 21.30 m/s (76.68 km/h) Median Speed: 19.88 m/s (71.57 km/h)

GoPro Metadata Speed trackday

BMW E36 and Canbus

Six in line cilynders of pure joy.

This project ESP32 based and json configurable sounds just amazing:

Gauge.S is all-car datalogger and development board.

For the future…maybe a contactless brake temperature system?

We can, with a MLX Sensor!

More Software for Track

  1. Harris Lap Timer
  2. Gauge 5S for BMW
  3. Dashware

Synchronizes data from applications with a camera recording

What about PhyPhox

Sometime ago, I was tinkering with PhyPhox

And lately…I recorded how it feels (the data behind) an airplane take-off:

ffmpeg -i IMG_5294.MOV -ss 00:03:35 -to 00:05:25 -c copy output.MOV

How does it look the data?

You guessed it, you can process PhyPhox Data with Python:

You can also open it with Google Colab: Open in Google Colab