Using LangchAIn/LLamaIndex with Pandas - Enhancing Trip Planner
What if we could use AI to chat about weather patterns in a location?
By using Langchain, together with pandas DF, we will extract relevant information.
The weather information?
Thats covered on the Python Trip Planner Project.
With MeteoStat and OpenMeteo APIs.
Intro to LangChain with PandasDF
As commented earlier this year, I was inspired by Alejandro AO and its Python AI projects.
I commented the PDF one here →
LangChain is an alternative to PandasAI.
Pre Requisites
- Python installed and a virtual environment ready.
- The OpenAI API keys -
LlamaIndex and Pandas DataFrames
The current Trip Planner Apps does not have any AI feature. Yet.
Why not adding it Chat capabilities over the weather data that we are fetching already?
Its ready on Pandas DF.
So lets make some tweaks and get trip planner V3 ready, this time with AI Chat over pulled weather
Im keeping the app framework as DASH
You can also try, these below (Which I already covered):
- PandasAI
- LlamaIndex