A Website for a Phd: Pylinac and QaTrack+

A Website for a Phd: Pylinac and QaTrack+

February 23, 2025

It all started when a friend discovered some parts to improve withing this library.

An image analysis library for medical physics

MIT | An image analysis library for medical physics

And also…

QATrack+ is an open source program for managing the quality control program of radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging clinics.

Then I proposed to start documenting his learning process.

HUGO HEXTRA with Github Pages

I suggested to start by cloning this very same repository.

As the HUGO Hextra theme is just ready to roll:

To run it locally, it was required to:

  1. Git was already installed!
  2. Download Go: from go.dev
  3. Download HUGO from github releases: 0.117 as its the ones that works on Github Actions
  4. Get in love with Hextra Hugo Theme
  5. Discover diagrams with mermaid.js (with preview at https://mermaid.live/ ) and get in love with Katex!

Commands to know:

hugo server #.\hugo server if you are on windows
hugo #to render, if you want, aka to build it locally

But…changes were pushed to the repo, and nothing happened.

And its all about that when you are forking a repo with Github Actions workflows, you need to enable them (understandable, security reasons):

KeyStatic CMS with LandingPad Theme

After you have accepted that (one time), all will flow.

And…here it is: https://jlleongarcia.github.io/jlleongarcia/


I hope that this is the beginning of a new journey for jlleongarcia.

A journey where the rest of the world can benefit from his amazing effort and discoveries in the radiophysics area of expertise.

No wonder, he already knows that Im there to help with any Python that could make the world a better place!

JLL was involved in the crearion of RStocks

Cool stuff for Researchers

  1. If you are building on top of existing libraries…

MIT | local pypi server (custom packages and auto-mirroring of pypi)

  1. https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python

A great source to get Python ideas (good for the Python unknown unknowns!)