From Wordpress to a Cool Website

From Wordpress to a Cool Website

September 23, 2024

I was talking with my father about websites the other day and…

I realized how much more we can do with SSG’s than with wordpress.

It all started trying to add Web Analytics to the site.

You can still SelfHost your own WordPress with a VPS
How to know if a website uses GAnalytics 📌
wget -qO- | grep -Eo 'UA-[0-9]+-[0-9]+|G-[A-Z0-9]+'
wget -qO- | grep -Eo 'UA-[0-9]+-[0-9]+|G-[A-Z0-9]+' #you see it in the output

We wanted to add Umami Analytics - The same im using for this site (which is GDPR compliant out of the box and non invasive for the readers).

It turned out that you need a business suscription to add Plugins (WPCode could have solve it).

We tried to add the Umami script on the wordpress Theme, but the option was also not available.

Why there are better options?

  • This is how google sees the templates (the higher rating, the better):

Wordpress Google Page Speed Desktop

and for mobile (a responsive site is even more important here):

Wordpress Google Page Speed Mobile

  • The ping doesnt look so bad actually, but…

Pinging Wordpress vs SSG

…the http request has a huge gap. And its not this particular website’s fault.

We can use Uptime Kuma to check the http request response time for both, Wordpress and Wix official websites:

Http request Wix

Http request WP

Observe how for both platforms they provide a ~500ms speed and http requests (these are the ones that we care about as users).

When you use SSG’s, you can expect to have it around ~100ms instead, x5 faster

  • If you are concerned about the environment, speed also means less processing required, hence less emissions!

Wordpress Carbon vs SSG

Also, you can do cool thinks like:

SSG Alternatives to Wordpress

That one reminded my to the Jekyll Chirpy Theme, but it uses HUGO

SEO Tools for Wordpress

I dont use WP myself, but…

WP SEO Stuff 📌

On-Page SEO Tools

  • Rank Math
    An SEO plugin for WordPress to help optimize your website’s on-page SEO.

  • SEO Meta in One Click (Chrome Extension)
    Quickly analyze meta tags and H1 headings for SEO optimization.

  • SEO Minion (Chrome Extension)
    Provides various SEO insights including “People Also Asked” (PAA) data.

  • Anchor Text
    Use relevant anchor text to link to other pages on your site to improve internal linking.

Image Optimization

    A tool to compress images like .jpg files for faster page load times.

Authority & Analytics

  • Moz Bar (Chrome Extension)
    Helps check Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA). Compete with websites that have DA 25-30 when starting a new site.

  • Keyword Surfer (Chrome Extension)
    Provides search volume data directly in Google search results.

  • Keywords Everywhere (Chrome Extension)
    Displays search volume, CPC, and competition data.

Advanced Google Search

  • Use in Google to see indexed pages.
  • Ensure external links open in a new tab and are marked as “no follow” where necessary.

Featured Images & Copyright

  • Search for images using Creative Commons licenses to ensure proper rights usage.

Free SEO Tools & Resources

  1. Google Search Console
    Track your site’s search performance and monitor SEO issues.

  2. Ubersuggest
    Free keyword and competitive analysis tool with limited daily usage.

  3. AnswerThePublic
    Get popular search queries and keywords in your niche.

  4. Screaming Frog
    Free version allows crawling of up to 500 URLs for technical SEO audits.

  5. Google PageSpeed Insights
    Analyze your website’s speed and get suggestions for improvement.

Other Notes

  • Proxy-related resources like or disfruta badajoz.
  • Check out this app for more insights.

The Challenges

Writing posts on md a IDE…that can cause some friction.

I proposed to have a look to:

A quick look on how to use markdown 📌
docker run --rm -dp 3030:3030 cveinnt/letsMarkdown #

You can also setup vscode as a container

Setup HUGO on VSCode container 📌
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install wget

#install go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.5.linux-arm64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
source ~/.bashrc
go version

#install hugo: example v0.108
# wget -O hugo_latest.deb
# wget -O hugo_latestarm.deb

sudo dpkg -i hugo_latest.deb
hugo version 
#sudo dpkg -r hugo

How to Migrate WordPress

Check that the SiteMap of a WP 📌
#curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n"
curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}\n" #hugo paper mod has it

#optional - check robots.txt
curl -s | grep -i sitemap #look for sitemap direction
curl -s | head -n 10 #see the first 10 lines

Scrapping Wordpress Content

Let’s get started with the wordpress migration.

Broken links? How to Use LinkChecker with Docker ⏬
# docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --verbose

podman run --rm -it --verbose > linkchecker_jmodels.txt

To run linkchecker with docker-compose:

    container_name: linkcheck
    command: tail -f /dev/null  # Keep container alive
    stdin_open: true            # Interactive mode
    tty: true                   # Allocate a pseudo-TTY
    # user: "${UID}:${GID}"       # Run as current user
    # environment:
    #   - UID=${UID}
    #   - GID=${GID}
      - ./output:/output        # Bind mount a local directory for output
    restart: "no"               # Do not restart after stopping

And just:

#UID=$(id -u) GID=$(id -g) docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it linkcheck /bin/sh
linkchecker --verbose > /output/linkchecker_jmodels.txt
A post of what I learnt about Scrapping Tools, documented in this post the latest tech for scrap

Creating the markdown posts with AI

They have to keep the original content, but split it in English/SPanish in different files

Theme Proposal - HUGO

We saw a few interesting ones:

The fuwari static blog made with Astro

Testing it with Github and CloudFlare:


Free SSG Deployment 📌
firebase init #configure files for firebase hosting / public directory is normal public for HUGO and dist for Astro/nodes
firebase deploy #you will get something like ->

Yes, free subdomain!

Here you get a subdomain, also for free

  • You can also try Github Pages

Is my website performing well?

Do I have broken links? 📌
#podman run --rm -it --verbose > linkchecker_output.txt

docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u):$(id -g) --verbose
pip3 install linkchecker #Check links in web documents or full websites

You will get a report with what’s link working and what not when it comes to Links in your Site.

How to have email with your Domain

1 - Get a Domain! 📌
2- Email with your domain with Google and Cloudflare 📌
  1. Add your Domain to Cloudflare
  2. Go to Cloudflare UI and select a domain -> Email -> Email Routing
  3. Add a routing rule (this will fwd emails with your custom domain to a particilar mail - it works one way for now)
  4. To send emails from custom domains using gmail servers - go to the Gmail UI -> Settings -> See all Settings - we will add it at account and import section -> Send email as - Add a new email address
  5. We need an Gmail App password - Go to Google Account and search for app password, just create one
  6. Add the new email address and hit next -> Then change the SMTP Server (from cloudflare to, port 587), add the password you have created and as username is your original gmail address. Leave TLS ticked and hit add.

Kudos to CodingEntrepreneur’s video for showing the process to send emails with our domain (using

With porkbun works similarly, just replace to when adding it as per the guide above.

Interesting web related stuff I got to know recently