
Ansible is an automation tool that simplifies the management and configuration of servers, applications, and infrastructure.

I have used Ansible with a RPI together with this IoT Project

Also commented more about Ansible on this post

Why Ansible?

It allows you to define tasks in plain text, automate repetitive operations, and ensure consistent system configurations across your network.

An Automation tool?

You simply describe what you want, and this assistant takes care of the rest, ensuring your systems are always in tip-top shape. That’s the power of automation, and Ansible is our digital assistant.

Installing Ansible ♻️

#sudo apt update
#sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install ansible

#sudo pacman -Syu
#sudo pacman -S ansible

Check the version with:

ansible --version

Installing a particular Ansible

Select which version you want from:

And install it as Python package:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install ansible #==9.1.0
ansible --version

Using Ansible

Installing your favourite Apps without effort.

I have created some playbooks to install popular apps at:

Example: Install Docker with Ansible

  • Create the yml file
    • Copy paste the one below
    • Use one from Github (review it first to know what you are installing!)
  • Execute Ansible

Save the Ansible Playbook

- name: Install Docker on Ubuntu's
  hosts: localhost
  become: yes
    username: jalcocert  # Replace with your username
    - name: Download and install Docker
      shell: |
        curl -fsSL -o /tmp/
        sh /tmp/        

    - name: Install docker-compose
        name: docker-compose
        state: present
        update_cache: yes

    - name: Run Portainer Docker container
        name: portainer
        image: portainer/portainer-ce
          - "8000:8000"
          - "9000:9000"
        restart_policy: always
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
          - portainer_data:/data

Install and Execute Ansible

nano install_docker.yml #write the yml below
ansible-playbook install_docker.yml -i inventory.ini #execute our playbook

#curl -o setup_dev_remote.yml -L
#ansible-playbook setup_dev_remote.yml

As you can see, now Docker is running:

#systemctl start docker
systemctl status docker

And also Portainer is ready:

docker ps

Ansible Like a Pro

Now What? Well, you can start making your life easier.

These two commands will spin up the following services: JDownloader, QBitTorrent, Metube, Navidrome

ansible-playbook setup_media_server.yml -e "username=your_username" -i inventory.ini
  • QbitTorrent: http://localhost:6011
  • JDownloader: http://localhost:5800
  • Navidrome: http://localhost:4533
  • Metube: http://localhost:8081

Access Navidrome server from Android with the Substreamer App

You can try also with Youtube-DL